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교육 2022 바이오의료 스타트업 글로벌 진출 전략 세미나

  • 행사기간


  • 신청기간

    2022-11-15 ~ 2022-11-29

  • 장소/시간

    서울바이오허브 공식 유튜브 채널 / 13:00~15:20

  • 모집대상

    바이오의료 창업기업

  • 모집인원


서울바이오허브에서는 바이오의료 창업기업의 글로벌 진출 활성화를 위한 최신정보 공유 및 북미시장(캐나다 등)에 필요한 비즈니스 전략 수립 및 기술거래 동향을 소개하는 자리입니다.

  1. 일시 : 2022년 11월 30일(수), 13:00~15:20

  2. 장소: 온라인 중계(신청자에 한하여 링크 추후 안내)

  3. 주요내용 : 

      1. 캐나다 보건산업 시장의 강점 및 정부 지원 혜택, 프로그램 소개

      2. 진단, 의료기기 및 의료 플랫폼 기술의 거래 동향 및 전략 수립

  4. 공식언어: 영어(통역 없음) 

서울바이오허브 2022 바이오·의료 스타트업 글로벌 진출 전략 세미나 일시: 2022년 11월 30일(수) 13:00 ~ 15:20 장소: 온라인 중계 [서울바이오허브 유튜브 송출] 신청방법: 서울바이오허브 홈페이지 • 프로그램 •시간: 13:00~13:20 (20) , 내용: De-risking entry to the North American market: the Biohubx model , 발표자: Jeff Hopper 시간: 13:20~13:35 (15) , 내용: The Life Sciences Sector in Canada Topics: A brief overview of sector strengths in Canada and Alberta , 발표자: Amanda J.W. McNaughton 시간: 13:35~13:50 (15) , 내용: Why choose Calgary to grow your life sciences company Topics: Business environment in Calgary(market access, tax, operation costs, funding etc.) , 발표자: Lin Tang 시간: 13:50~14:20 (30) , 내용: Diagnostics and Devices, when do deals happen and what are the trends? Topics:1. Different options of entering ex-Korea market, including commercial distribution partners and M&A. 2.Market analysis of medical device & diagnostics space including the most recent trends., 발표자: Adrian Dawkes 시간: 14:20~14:50 (30) , 내용: Partnering Platform Technologies: What to expect Topics: Platform technology deal types/structures and key deals , 발표자: Christopher Berry 시간: 14:50~15:20 (30) , 내용: Pricing and Reimbursement, nice to haves vs need to haves Topics: 1. Who cares about pricing? 2. Why knowing your price reduces friction deal making 3. You don't need it all immediately , 발표자: Ralph Hughes 주요 초청연사 소개: Jeff Hopper: Biohubx | Executive Director and Co-Founder of Biohubx De-risking entry to the North American market: the Biohubx model. Amanda J.W. McNaughton: Calgary Regional Office | Trade Commissioner -The Life Sciences Sector in Canada -Topics: A brief overview of sector strengths in Canada and Alberta. Lin Tang: Business Development Manager, Health & Life Sciences Why choose Calgary to grow your life sciences company ・Topics: Business environment in Calgary(market access, tax, operation costs, funding etc.) Adrian Dawkes: PharmaVentures | Managing Director Diagnostics and Devices, when do deals happen and what are the trends? ᆞTopics: 1) Different options of entering ex-Korea market, including commercial/ distribution partners and M&A. 2) Market analysis of medical device & diagnostics space including the most recent trends. Christopher Berry: PharmaVentures | Regional Advisor Partnering Platform Technologies: What to expect Topics: 1) Platform technology deal types/structures and key deals Ralph Hughes: PharmaVentures | Vice President Pricing and Reimbursement, nice to haves vs need to haves ᆞTopics: 1) Who cares about pricing? 2) Why knowing your price reduces friction deal making 3) You don't need it all immediately. 서울특별시,한국보건산업진흥원

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